Welcome to the XWiki Community farm

Version 47.1 by Ecaterina Moraru on 2019/01/21 16:41


MyXWiki.org is a free service offered by XWiki SAS for non-profit organizations and individuals. It's subject to the rules and limitations listed below.

For more elaborate needs, XWiki SAS offers XWiki Cloud and professional hosting and support services. Organizations evaluating wikis can also download a standard distribution of XWiki Enterprise for this purpose. 

The farm is open to individuals and non-profit organizations to create wikis on. However the target users are mostly technical people who can support themselves. This farm should never be used for critical wikis. For that consider using XWiki Cloud by XWiki SAS.

Rules & Limitations

This community farm is subject to the following rules:

  • No support warranty. All support is done on the XWiki Forum by the community.
  • No stability warranty. We install the latest milestone version of XWiki Enterprise Manager on this farm and we use it as a stability test for the XWiki development team.
  • No uptime warranty. It’s possible the farm will be down a few days in a row although we’ll do the maximum so that it doesn’t happen.
  • No performance warranty. This farm is hosting a lot of wikis and they share the same XWiki instance so it's possible that you wiki will be slow.
  • No upgrade help. You'll need to handle that yourself when we upgrade the XWiki instance for this farm.
  • It's your duty to keep your wiki healthy and to avoid having it use too many resources (CPU and memory). This means avoiding using costly scripts and properly securing your wiki to avoid spam users and spam comments. Your wiki may be closed if it's not abiding by this rule.
  • You don't have Programming Rights on your wiki for security reasons. This means you cannot install Extensions requiring Programming Rights or Extensions installing JARs, nor use privileged APIs inside scripts in wiki pages.

Register your wiki


If you're interested in having a wiki hosted on this farm please follow steps:

  1. Register on myxwiki.org (this wiki)
    • Make sure to set an email address for your user since that would be needed if we need to contact you about your wiki.
  2. Create a topic (in English) on the XWiki Forum (you'll need to register there too), providing the following details
    • description: give a brief description of what you want to use this wiki for
    • owner name: the name you have registered at step 1
    • wiki name: the name that will be used before .myxwiki.org to access the wiki. For example if you pick acme you'll access your wiki with https://acme.myxwiki.org.

One of the XWiki community Admins will then create the wiki for you (allow a few days to process your request).


What's the difference with XWiki SAS Cloud?

Feature/Servicemyxwiki.orgXWiki SAS Cloud
Who can use it?Non-profit organizations and individualsAnyone
Target audienceMostly technical people who can support themselvesAnyone including non technical users
CostFreePaying (starting at 10€/month), 50% discounts for NGO and free for open source projects
UptimeNo uptime (can be down at any time and for several days)Guaranteed by SLA
Version of XWikiNon-stable version of XWiki, the farm is used as a real life test bad for newer versions of XWikiStable and recommended versions of XWiki
SupportBy the community, on a will basis (works best if you help others too), no reponse time guaranteesBy dedicated professionals, guaranteed by SLA
PerformanceNo performance warranty. This farm is hosting a lot of wikis and they share the same XWiki instance so it's possible that you wiki will be slow.Dedicated XWiki instance
VolumesFair use. It's your duty to keep your wiki healthy and to avoid having it use too many resources (CPU and memory). This means avoiding using costly scripts and properly securing your wiki to avoid spam users and spam comments. Your wiki may be closed if it's not abiding by this rule.Guaranteed volumes
Sub wikisNo subwikiSubwikis allowed
PermissionsNo programming rights, which means you cannot install Extensions requiring Programming Rights or Extensions depending on JARs, nor use privileged APIs inside scripts in wiki pages. Scripting languages other than Velocity are not allowed (Groovy, Python, Ruby, etc)Programming Rights provided
UpgradesNo upgrade help. You'll need to handle that yourself when we upgrade the XWiki instance for this farmRegular upgrades & custom upgrade plans

How do I remove my wiki?

If you don't need your wiki anymore, send a post on the XWiki Forum to ask for deletion by mentioning:

  • The wiki id
  • Your user id (you must be the wiki owner to ask for deletion)

We will then contact you privately on the forum to ask confirmation questions to make sure you're the owner of that wiki and then we'll proceed to remove it!